Top 7 Tips to secure your network
Hello everyone I hope you are doing well my name is Mohammed and today I am going to share with you the best tips on how to secure your network against h4ckers.
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Before that let’s take an overview of network security and why it is important:
In term to secure your network you need to understand how it works and what are the ways to break its security but in this case I am not going to explain about these illegal attacks, i will just rely on giving you the best tips to prevent this on my personal opinion.
TIP 1:
Make sure that you change the default password and username(optional)
If you change the default password you need to make sure that its not common like:
qwert1234, 1234, abcd12 and so on
Make sure that its unique and it has different characters like: (!#$%^_) in addition different letters in lowercase and upper case like: KaTIlObUs.
Strong password example: “Le$fwijKLE$)(2!@(),i”.
TIP 2:
Its a must to have the strongest and the latest WIFI encryption type like WPA2 AES, right know there is a new encryption type WPA3 which is stronger than the older once. If you use the older encryption type like WAP which can be broken easily even if you have a strong password type as I showed you at the beginning ! sounds crazy right? but don’t worry its not really common nowadays in 2022 to have a router that uses WEP encryption but if you want to make sure that your router is using the right encryption then follow these steps:
1) open the command prompt on your computer / laptop:
Running as admin in this case is optional.
once you open the Cmd or the command prompt type ipconfig , you will get Windows IP configuration details hover over your network adapter that you are currently using on your windows , for example i am using ethernet on my computer. 2) locate Default Gateway and you should see an IP like ‘’ , this is your routers IP, we use this IP to get access to the network, Right now paste the IP that you got on your browser and you should get your routers login page. 3) login with the credentials given under your router. 4) Once you have logged in go to settings and locate WLAN then select a network settings like 2.4ghz basic. 5) scroll down and you will see “Authentication mode:”, select WPA2 and there are types of it you can choose depending on your preferences then select Encryption mode and change it to AES.
TIP 3:
Limit the Number of Associated Devices, you can locate it also in the router settings in SSID Configuration Details, you can type the number of maximum clients that can access this specific SSID/Network.
TIP 4:
Un-Broadcasting your SSID this means that your network name will not be showed to clients unless they type it by themselves in the settings then enter the password to access it, you can find it in SSID Configuration Details with the name of SSID Broadcast , if its ticked then untick it to disable broadcasting SSID to clients.
TIP 5:
Automatic Wi-Fi Shutdown: This means that the WIFI will be shut downed after a specific period of time, Maybe you can use it if you want to go to bed and you don’t want anyone to use it after you .
TIP 6:
MAC Address Filtering: This will prevent the specified clients of that specific MAC address to be prohibited from accessing the network but take note that there is a difference between Black filter and White filter mode Black Filtering: When source MAC address of the client is implemented this means that the client with this specific MAC address will not be able to access the network and all the other MAC addresses will be allowed to, On the other hand:
White Filtering: When source MAC address of the client is added this means that the client with this specific MAC address will be able to access the network while all the other MAC addresses will be unable to access the WIFI/Router.
TIP 7:
Disabling the WPS feature on your router, If your router has this function enabled it will allow clients to access the network using a specific integer pin and most commonly its only 7–8 digits only! so even if you have a really strong password and this function is enabled , people might guess any random 7 digits and get access to your router, You can disable this feature in the network settings located in SSID Configuration Details that is named with Enable WPS “Make sure you untick it to disable it”.
Finally , I have shared the best 7 tips on how to secure your WIFI networks, Stay toned for latest contents and I hope you enjoyed reading this post don’t forget to leave me with like , share and a subscribe to this blog.

Thank you ❤