Basic Linux fundementals

Hello everyone :) , I hope you are doing well , stay safe at home and learn more…

Msecurity BH
3 min readNov 19, 2022

Today and in this post i am going to talk about Linux in general and in the next posts i am going to explain in more detail..

Lets start with background!

What is linux?

Linux is mother of multiple open-source operating systems that are based on UNIX (OS)

When was Linux released?

Linux was released on 1991 , specifically September seventeen

What are the programming languages used to develop linux?

C programming language and assembly language.

Linux basics commands

This command prints the username of the account that we are logged in the machine.

“cd” command is a short word for “change directory” it will allow you to change the place of the directory after specifying it, in this example we are moving to Videos.

“cd ..” is the same as the previous command “cd” it will change the directory but we have added 2 dots which will allow us to change a directory back, in this example from “/test” directory to “/Music”.

“pwd” command or “print working directory” it will show/print the current directory that you are in followed by the location that you are working in which is “home” + the user name.

“ls” command or “list” , This command will list all the files and directories within the current directory, In this example i am inside the /Videos directory and i am listing everything inside it and in this case i just have a one file which is “file.txt”.

“ls -a” command as you can see its similar with “ls” command that we have seen above but the difference between them is that we have added a parameter which is “-a” this will allow us to list all files within the directory but in addition it will print the hidden files as well.

“ls -R” command will print all files , directories within the directory also the sub-directories as well.

if you saw a command and you don’t know how to use it , you can use the man command followed by the unknown command.

Then you will get a prompt that explains it in detailed.
This is very useful in this case and you should try it.

##The end##

hope it was useful to you , don’t forgot to support me if you want with likes and share to push me post more useful stuff THANK YOU :)



Msecurity BH

Hello there my name is Mohammed ,I am cybersecurity enthusiast&CTF Player. Interested in Penetration testing and bug hunting :)